This weekend I met up with fellow blogger Helene of Fashion Over Reason for a session of street style shooting. We had a lovely time in Williamsburg shooting and well shooting the proverbial you know what. We discussed photography, fashion and the changing blogging landscape. And so in this installment of Link Love Express I will be sharing photography based links and a link on how bloggers can be more supportive of one another as well as a link to reviews on Yelp in regards to a hosting company you should all stay away from. So let’s get started…
1) About that hosting company—In Motion, I called to set up service with them and two weeks later before my site had been transferred I cancelled. Their website states it takes 7-14 days for the transfer to complete. The sales person told me that I had plenty of time if I needed my site to be up on their servers up by November 8th—the date my current host would expire. I went out of my way to ask him…well buy the twelfth day as nothing had moved and my order was still sitting in a que. I called. This was after 19 emails back and forth with tech support regarding changing DNS servers and domain registration—each time getting a different answer. Then when I called tech support about when the transfer would be completed I was told it could take up to 18-20 days. Umm not what I was told when I signed up. Not what their website states in writing.
The tech support representative then offered to sell me expedited service for $29.99 which would be another 4-7 days with no garuntee that it would be done by the 8th. Ummm what?? I signed up October 22nd, the 8th would be the 17th day so why do I have to pay $29.99?? How is that expedited? And why didn’t the sales person mention this when I signed up on the 22nd? It would have been done in a week. I screamed and yelled-and remember I am a NEW customer, and can still cancel. He then offered to waive the fee, but only after I got mad. I agreed to the expedited service with the fee waived.
But now I would to pay for a full year with my current host and then call them a week later for a refund. Hmmm. I went back online and did more research and found reviews for In Motion on Yelp. WOW the reviews were horrendous. People having their sites hacked, having their sites shut down by In Motion claiming they were using too much band width. Data being lost forever due to the In Motion servers being hacked, and on and on, 104 reviews with ninety percent being one star reviews. I called back and cancelled. You can read the reviews here. But if you are looking for a new host stay away from In Motion. I seriously dodged a bullet.
2) This weekend when I was shooting with Helene it was the first time I used back button focus and I LOVE it. I found much easier then front button focus—or when the shutter button is also the focus button. Some people think it take some getting use to, but I found it much easier.  You just have to remember to keep the focus point on the subject you want in focus as it won’t always be lit up. But this  feature will totally come in handy when shooting Fashion Week. You can learn about back button focusing here and here.
3) I discovered another Fashion/street style photographer Tommy Ton. Known also for back stage photography and his eye for detail, it should be no surprise he is highly successful at what he does. So be sure to have a look a around at
4) And I also discovered that there is a new reality competition series on Andorama TVÂ for competing photographers. Think ANTM behind the lens. And it is even hosted by Nigel Barker. Cool right? Plus the Andorama site has a ton of useful information for photographers as well as classes and tutorials.
5) And finally I am ending on the same note I stared on. And bringing attention to the changing landscape of blogging, and it seems I am not the only one who has noticed how commenting has dropped off. And that no one is taking the time to really read or look at blogs any more. And the worst part is? It is bloggers themselves that are fueling this shift. But at any rate you can read Ashley’s take on how to be more supportive at her blog
Top image by TommyTon
Oh, I love street style and fashion street photographers! Never heard of Tommy Ton before, but he’s amazing!
Love your round ups like this! Such a great post and super fascinating topics. Well done!
Emma | Fashion Photographer and Model |
I have noticed that commenting on blogs has dropped off. It feels as though the blog world is changing rapidly and it’s hard to stay on top of it. The blogging community is totally changing these days.
In Motion’s business practices sound absolutely awful. Good thing you were able to cancel and thanks for letting us know to stay away. Yes I have also noticed that commenting has dropped off but what actually bugs me more is those people who will leave a comment only if you leave one for them first. That’s as bad as likes for likes.
Oh wow, you seriously dodge a bullet there, Allie and thank goodness for all the mess so you had time to check the reviews before committing. Yes, commenting has definitely dropped off and these days I usually support anyone who leaves genuine comment on my blog and of course, my favourite bloggers. I agree with Rowena, those that only leaves comment when you leave one for them first is as bad as likes for likes. Those are not genuine.
Shireen | Reflection of Sanity
Oh glad you managed to cancel and avoid that host, they sound like a really frustrating company! It’s great you had a good time with your blogger friend too! I love the friendships I’ve made through blogging 🙂
Hope you’re having a wonderful start to the week 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
I can’t wait to see your photos from the shoots! It’s always so fun meeting other bloggers and photographers in person. As for the commenting, I think everyone is trying to “make it” and blogging takes so much time. A lot of bloggers are looking for the fast and quick route. I’m guilty of doing this sometimes but will have to be more cognizant of this! Thanks for the reminder!
So interesting!
Oooooh man- that hosting company sounds absolutely horrible! Glad you’re out of that, lady! What a nightmare!
Le Stylo Rouge
When I discovered TommyTon a few years ago I just fell in love. The guy is so so talented and I love his eye for fashion! And so true that fashion blogs are changing and commenting is dropping. I’ve stopped commenting as much as I used to because I realized I only commented on some to get a comment back, which is terrible. So know I’m selective with the blogs I leave comments on (haha you’re welcome!) and only do so when I really like the blog or to keep in touch with blogfriends! Quality is definitely better than quantity! Xx
This is such a great read ad very thought provoking. It is true reading of blogs is dropping off but I still feel there is a place for bloggers xx
It must be so exciting meeting with fellow bloggers you have so meny things in common with.
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Thanks for warning me of that hosting site. I love that opening shot of 3 very stylish women! It is a great capture and a dynamic shot. The world is changing, and habits change too, i suppose Vlogging is the way to go, but I am ambivalent about being so “out there”.
I love following bloggers, and I love blogging. Change happens. In any case I truly admire your blog, and your eye, your excellent writing .
I worry more about a changing country, being in the eye of the storm is a bit unnerving. Donald voted for himself a block away and many boo’ed. Both Hilary and He are staying near where i live, and secret service is everywhere.
Yet, there was a palpable bit of optimism at the voting booths. We shall see, so much change…
Be well, thank for your ongoing inspiration, I always look to your blog as a benchmark.
xx, Elle
Thanks for the shout out! That hosting company sounds like a nightmare…
Wow sounds like a blast to go shoot street style in Williamsburg!