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A Benefit Bonanza for your Brows from Benefit


Of the three this was my least favorite but I like to use to fill in spots but it does need plenty of smudging

My brows (among other things have been driving me crazy) nothing like being a fashion blogger to be hyper aware of how one looks. Every time I do a shoot and and go through the edit, I am like hmmm is that what I really look like? One time a friend of mine named Rebecca once said to me that she realized that maybe she was more attractive in her head then she really was. I agreed, “same here” I said. Of course she said this tongue in cheek, and we both laughed but there was a wee bit of truth in it. And around that time I was going through what one of my friends called a baby goth stage—whatever that means. And I went way over board plucking my brows. And I am here to report—the urban legend is true. They don’t grow back. Of course I am now kicking myself, but what is done is done. The only thing I can do now is damage control, so last week I headed off to Sephora and walked out with a bag full of brow products from Benefit. Read on for the full report.


This was my favorite of the three, seriously this is the easiest to use brow pencil I have come across


This I like to use in conjunction with the Goof Proof Brow Pencil. But the #4 shade is too light for me, I need to go back and get the darker #6 shade. 

I was genuinely surprised at how well these products worked. I have complained on the blog before how hard it was to find brow products dark enough for my brows. It seems that the darkest color most brow pencils come in is a medium rust toned brown, which is much lighter then dark brown and substantially lighter then black—a hair color half the planet has. One of the reasons I tried Benefit was because they make a shade that is dark enough for my brows. My favorite of the group hands down is the Goof Proof Brow Pencil, seriously it is the easiest brow pencil I have ever used and it achieves super natural looking results. I like to use it with the Brow Zings brow powder, which I use to fill in my brows along with the angled Goof Proof pencil. My least favorite is the KA Brow! Eyebrow Cream it kind of goes on like a liquid liner, it is definitely intense. But I find if I dot it on and smudge it, I can get a more natural look. This brow cream is great though for more dramatic evening looks. I will have to unveil my newly found brows on my next outfit post. And the next thing on my list? Benefits Fakeup Hydrating Eye Concealer. I have heard good things about it. It conceals and hydrates at the same time. I am so in need of this as my skin is so dry it seems most makeup makes it look even drier.


  1. These products look great, I love the packaging

  2. So many cool eyebrow products I heard different review about it so I need to try them to see for myself.

  3. I have that concealer and it does work really well. However, I do have to set it with a little powder because it does crease on me. I blame that on my glasses as it gets hot under my eyes from my glasses.

  4. I also learned the hard way that if you overpluck your eyebrows, they sometimes don’t grow back. I used to get brow tattoos but they’re not permanent and my pain tolerance isn’t the same anymore so I just fill them in instead now. This Goof Proof Brow Pencil sounds really good. Thanks for the tip!

  5. I’m terribly neglectful of my brows, but these products sound awesome! I’m tempted to try the Goof Proof Brow Pencil 🙂

  6. This is great information to know and I am glad you shared it. Next time I am inn sephora I will buy these little genuises! My brows are a problem, as the latter third fell out 12 years ago and my hair was thinning. ( not a pretty site) Turns out ti was thyroid disease, and it does not grow back, until they invent something, and they will….
    so I am you glad you posted this.
    enjoy the holiday weekend!
    xx, Elle

  7. This looks all so fun! Benefit is just the best in packaging!




  8. You have to give it to Benefit for awesome packaging! U have yet to try the brow products from Benefit but I hate, absolutely hate Benefit Fake Up concealer! I have dry skin and it’s too rich and oily for me. It also offers extremely little coverage but maybe it’ll work better for you than me.

    ps: I think we all look more attractive in our head than in real life. I always look at my pictures and pick up all the flaws!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  9. This is such a great post! I never plucked my brows – they are not thick, but also not thin. So I leave them the way they are, but this Brow Zings seems to be great for two friends of mine, who really are so crazy about brow products! I will recommend this product and post, because they will go really crazy about it! And the Goof Proof pencil, seems to be nice too. One of my friends likes to wear the Clinique pencil, so sharing it with you, in case you want to try it (if you haven’t yet). She really says it is good. Hope you have a very nice weekend!

  10. I’ve not used Benefit’s brow products, but the packaging looks pretty cool. I only shape my brows with threading but not plucking much at all. I tend to like my semi-thick brows. Thanks for sharing. x/Madison
    FASHION TALES – Walls of Wonderland

  11. ahhhh this is so interesting, Allie! I love that Goof Proof Eyebrow Pencil, the design is very interesting, almost like a Herry Potter magic wand, but in a fashionable way, almost like diamond bling bling looking sort of way. Yes, I do find brow pencil the easiest to work with, but like you, I also prefer to finish it with some powder to keep it more natural as pencil can be a tad harsh, at times.

    I am so curious to see how does that brow powder actually looked like, from the inside though, I mean if it’s opened *_^

    I know what you mean by over plucking, I feel you, my friend. I guess the best that we can do now is damage control! haha
    Lovely indeed, I hope that you are having a good time in NYC and a relaxing weekend, Allie.

    With love,
    Jeann | LUMINNEJ

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