Here is part two of my photo series from the Black Lives Matter protest I attended on Sunday June 14th. As I explained in my last post I decided to post these photos in black and white. In some ways I find black and white photos to be more expressive when it comes to profound news events like this. With black and white photography you are less distracted by color and advertising. The simplicity of black and white helps to reinforce and focus in on the subject matter, distilling it down to shapes and forms, to lightness and darkness, and the under lying emotion in the moment. I hope I was able to capture that in these images. With everything that is happening in the world and all the unrest. I hope through the use of my lens to offer a little quite in the storm, even when the message is screaming to be heard.With everything that is happening in the world and all the unrest. I hope through the use of my lens to offer a little quite in the storm, even when the message is screaming to be heard
Beautiful! It’s uplifting to see these photos v
Hello Allie, hope you’re doing well! I heard New York is ending the lockdown, take care and stay safe 🙂
I love the latest blog post with the first series of photos, and as I told you I think it is crucial to speak from our platform and put our talent/skills/works into this in order to create the change. We’re all part of it and your photos talk by themselves!
All the best!
These photos speak so much. I really hope that everyone would have the guts to speak up and contribute to fight for what is just and right.
Blog: http://www.missdream-girl.blogspot.com
You did an amazing job with these pictures!
Curated by Jennifer
Loving the photos, loving the movement.
These pictures are so powerful! Look like something you’ll find in history books a few years from now. I like your analysis on making them bw too. Thank you for sharing, they are truly amazing! Xx
Black and white also has a more documentarian and journalistic feel which is probably what you were also going for. These protests are important. I’m glad that they’re still going strong and we must not relent and let their messages be forgotten.
You take amazing pictures!
These are highly representative of the protest going on!
Your photography is to emphatic as I feel like I’m there.
Keep shining!
Sono assolutamente favorevole con la prostesta. Il problema è che nel 2020 non dovremmo più protestare per far valere i nostri diritti.
You are an amazing photographer Allie! There is so much power in these photos!
You took some incredibly powerful photographs. Thanks for sharing them.
These pictures speak so much… Have a beautiful day!
They’re such amazing captures! I can totally feel the vibe of the movement, love that you edited them in black and white.
xx Simone
Little Glittery Box
A great second part to your first initially post. Agree so much with the black and white photos, it really does make the image more thought-provoking and meaningful. I can definitely feel the emotion through them!
Thank you for sharing!
Aimsy xoxo
It’s great to see people out fighting for change! These photos are so important so thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for sharing these, Allie. Such an important time in US history, and one that certainly has to be documented.
Thank you for sharing this! These photos are amazing and truly display why BLM is so important!
These photos are incredible, you are an amazing photographer. I also love how they’re all black and white and totally agree with your reasoning xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
These are really beautiful pictures well told… Black lives really matter.. Thanks for capturing these and sharing with us.
Thank you for posting these. I have been to many protests in my day and I never tire of seeing powerful photography. Beautiful. <3
Like in your last post – part one – I could look at these photos again and again… they’re really touching, they make me sad and encouraged at the same time! You have a great talent to transport those feelings, thank you!
Loving these shots too, Allie – so powerful! You are very talented. Hope you’re staying safe and well.
The unity speaks for itself when you are raised in a melting pot I speak for myself you accustomed in being surrounded by different culture and background. I learn to appreciate with respecting and embracing I never saw any different. We all are one.
Thank you so much for sharing all of these photos.
New Post – https://www.bibliothequeduparfums.com/2020/07/armaniprive-rose-alexandrie-miss-dior.html
Amazing post!
Cores do VĂcio
Just like part 1 your pictures are so powerful and beautiful !
So many inspirations here
Thanks for sharing.
Such stunning pictures – must have been an incredible mood and march!!
We’ve been to the protests here in Berlin as well and it felt so powerful – I hope this mood stays and will move a lot!
These photos are fantastic. And look at all the people wearing masks! Compare that to all the people who were protesting wearing masks a month before — none of them wore masks. Anyway, I also really love that POTUS shirt — need it in my life. Great shots.
The photos were amazing!
They were really very expressive and powerful in black and white. I loved it.
This cause is very important.
Amazing pictures, love this!!! x
Beautiful photos!♥
These photos are so inspiring and you can see change happening! Thank you x
Amazing post, incredible photos
Thank you so much for sharing this! You are certainly making a change.
Beautiful black and white photography, you have so much talent for capturing emotions….Thank you for sharing.
These are amazing pictures!
Tash – http://www.agirlwithview.co.uk
Sends a powerful message. Thank you fir sharing these xx
Elegant Duchess xx
These photographs are absolutely breathtaking, you have one helluva an eye for images like this. The quality is stunning, everything about them is perfect. You’ve really captured it all.
Your work is incredible wow it brought tears to my eyes xoxo Cris
Love these pictures that you took – even more seeing all participants wearing masks :). I really like the black and white touch. You don’t need color to emphasize the issue. Everything already tells a story just looking at it. Hoping we can get closer to beating injustice soon!
Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me
The photos are beautiful! It’s wonderful that people are voicing out. Black lives matter. Thanks for this
The selection of a black-and-white photo presentation reflects well what happened at that time. Thank you for showing me, Allie.
They are beautiful photos, but it is so sad that protests like these have to happen – it’s not fair that people are treated differently because of the colour of their skin and it’s so good you can raise awareness with these photos! Thanks for sharing!
Hope you are having a nice weekend 🙂 It’s a bit windy and wintery here!
Wow, amazing pictures! It’s so beautiful to see people of all colors and backgrounds come together and fight for the same cause. Whether it’s out in the streets or through social media – we should all use our privilege, raise our voices and fight for those who’ve been opressed for way too long.
Thank you for capturing this!
Krissi from the marquise diamond
Love to see that there is so much movement right now towards a better world. I think black and white underlines the statement of these pictures even more. Thanks for sharing all your shots and thoughts about this topic!
lots of love, Miri
Great pictures❤