It was a moving experience and you could hear people crying when we took the knee and had a moment of silence for the 8 minutes and 46 seconds that George Floyd’s neck was being kneeled on. But it was inspiring to see so many people of all races come out to protest and support this very important movement in our history. I was also a little nervous about counter protestors, but there were no karens or angry kens around on this day. It was peaceful, moving and inspiring.
[pullquote align=”left” style=”style4″ width=”381″ size=”14″ line_height=”18″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#222222″][blockquote custom_class=”” txt_color=”#222222″ size=”25″ line_height=”32″]I wanted to reference the past as it is very dismaying that we are still having to deal with racism in 2020[/blockquote][/pullquote]
I usually shoot in color as I am generally shooting street style. But for this event I decided to post the images in back and white. The first reason was because I had just watched a documentary called “Everybody Street” about street photographers from the 70’s and 80’s, who all shot in black and white. I find black and white photography can distill a message more precisely, and in some ways be more powerful then color. Also for the obvious black and white race issue, and finally because it has a nostalgic feel to it, and I wanted to reference the past as it is very dismaying that we are still having to deal with racism in 2020. I hope you enjoy these photos, part two will go up next week.
Very interesting post! Thanks for the information! ✔️✔️✔️ Have a great week! ???
Thank you for doing this!!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I haven’t been able to attend any protests because of the pinched nerve in my neck but we have seen our fair share of them marching past our apartment complex downtown and I fully support the cause as well as the protests. I feel like it’s different this time and maybe some real institutional change will come from them. Some of the executive orders Gov. Cuomo has signed are a step in the right direction.
it is such an important moment and you captured it beautifully and powerfully
Beautiful shots!
Nothing needs to be added here,,,it says the story.
Elegant Duchess xx
I love that you shot the BLM protest in black and white. It makes the photographs look timeless. Beautiful and moving photography. You did a great job. Stay safe.
You did a fantastic job Allie in capturing these moments! Hopefully change does happen this time.
We all need to support the black community and you did such a great job by taking part at the protest. It’s so sad that we are still facim racism in these modern times.
xx Simone
Little Glittery Box
These pictures are so so powerful! I love them <3
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I am really ashamed to belong to humanity because we are the only racist living species I know. It is embarassing that we have to state that black lives matter because ALL lives matter regardless the color of the skin of the hair of the eyes.
You did the right thing to join the protest, I would have done it too.
Don’t Call Me Fashion Blogger
These pictures are SO powerful! Thank you for sharing them!
Thats very interesting. I heard about this protest. The photos are very good
Love this powerful and poignant photo essay.
These pictures were so beautifully captured. Thanks for being there. I hope you and everyone in the home are healthy and safe.
Posts are touching and you display a black and white image that illustrates sadness.
I am personally concerned about racism. Hopefully it does not happen again.
Let us voice the anti-racism movement
So powerful, and loving the B&W images. I desperately hope that we will see some real change <3
I think it was a good idea to shoot in black and white. The photos are fantastic and they have an impact! Thank you for this post!
What an incredible protest to take part in – truly historic!
Love this!Great photos too.
Thank you for sharing these powerful photos Allie. BLM is such an important movement.
These photos are absolutely amazing!
Your photography is so evocative, Allie – I love these black and white images, they are so powerful! No words necessary. Thank you so much for sharing.
Beautiful photos. ❤️
Wow I’m so amazed by your pictures.
They say so much ! Sometimes pictures are just as powerful as words.
And this is such a good idea to have put them in black and white.
Such powerful images Allie! Black and white is perfect. I love the outfit in the second photo. Brilliant! It is comforting seeing peaceful protests. We have stayed away from the city here for fear of those angry anti protestors causing problems. It really saddens me that racism will not go away and has lead to so many horrifying deaths. Our world would be such a better place if everyone respected each other.
Thank you for your photos. They are stunning and don’t need comment.
All these powerful shots speak for themselves.
Thank you so much for that post, Allie! Since Trump is president, I’m in a state of shock. Still always shaking my head. The’re no words really. When I heard about the killing of the two men it was a devastating moment. Racism is like dirt under a carpet. You may not see it for some time, but it’s there, ugly and dirty. But maybe this time it’s a real chance to open our eyes and see what’s really there.
Love your pics! Absolutely arty!!!
xxx Maren
I think you did a great job capturing emotion in these shots – going black&white for them also helps direct the message too
I haven’t been able to get to any protests, because I have been looking after shielding family members, so your photos were amazing! Thank you for sharing!
I agree with you, the black and white photos, the message goes in a more muscular and stronger way. I think that in Portugal the problem of racism is not as serious as in the USA. The problem of discrimination arises for both whites and blacks, because what discriminates is whether you have money or not.
Ah yes it is similar here too. %70 of Americans live pay check to pay check. That is NOT a robust economy. Even before COVID 19. The booming economy was mostly smoke and mirrors and only refers to the casino economy otherwise known as the stock market. It is very similar here to 1930s Germany, and it is going to get worse. World wide %40 of jobs are going to be lost due to Automation and AI. That is not going to be sustainable and there WILL be a lot of unrest…
I was very sad when I heared about the George Floyd’s death and I also saw the video online. It is not acceptable that these things happen in our times, we can talk to people on the other side of the world, see them, we have so much technology and we can’t keep up with progress. I am sad every time when I see or hear racism and sadly it hapens quite often. I guess that we people have to work on our mind and spirit and embrace other human beings. I support people protesting for black lives matters but I hope they will respect rules and resppect distancing.
Kudos to you, my friend, for supporting the black community and taking these captivating photos! I love that you chose to have the photos in black and white.
Make Life Marvelous
Such stunning and poignant photos. I participated in a protest a few weeks ago and what a moving experience it was. Definitely a day I’ll never forget. xo
such a powerful post! thank you for sharing and doing this!
Your photos are really powerful and moving. These photos will always hold so much value and importance. Thank you for sharing!
I think these protests are amazing. It’s great that you wore your mask and tried your best to be socially distant. That’s all we can do, is our best. I can imagine the 8 minute silence was incredibly emotional. It’s so important we all continue to fight the fight – whatever our colour or race. It’s not a black problem, it’s a human problem and we all need to do our bit.
Great post! Have a great weekend!
The photos are amazing you should consider putting together a book & love that you shot in B/W so much more powerful! ! xo ~Zia
I think you have captured the protests brilliantly, and I deffo agree that they are more impactful in black and white. Very powerful!
Thanks for sharing, looking forward to part 2.
Aimsy xoxo
Aimsy’s Antics
A serious and relevant topic. Thank you for sharing
You have a gift for photography, Allie. Thank you for sharing. I pray peace will prevail one day soon.
So moving and I love black and white photography. These photos will live on forever.
Amazing job Allie!
Lovely pics,
we really live in such interesting times
and the world is changing right before our eyes.
These are beautiful and powerful pictures, thank you so much for sharing.
Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
I don’t undesratnd it, we should respect everyone, the colour of skin, sex etc. don’t matter at all :3
It is great that you went to the BLM rally! Being part of the movement upclose is something else. So important that we stand together and fight for what is right. What the police did was not right, and what they continue to do as a reaction to the protest is not right if they are starting to harm people more than anything. We need to keep speaking against the injustice!
Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me
These are great photos! it’s so good you went to the protest and you could get these stunning photos too. I agree with you it’s so sad that in these days we still have to protest this, but I think some real action is coming out of it and I know I’m making small changes and making myself more aware of things I honestly didn’t know about before. I’m considering my kids too and making sure I explain these actions appropriately to them. They had never heard of a protest before but they know what it is now and I’ve shown them some of the pictures and videos of the protests. When I explained to my son that during his birthday party there were people filling Brisbane to protest I think it brought it home for him.
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend 🙂
desde luego es un post muy actual, por desgracia es algo que no parece acabar.
Hi Allie, I hope you are very well and thank you for your last comment, I am glad to know that the blog inspires you a little bit to do even more visual things, your photography has always seemed incredible to me 🙂
And speaking of photography, I love that you have used your talent as a photographer to capture one of the most important movements that we have at the moment, I think it is CRUCIAL that everyone from our trenches and possibilities begin to support the movement from our country, talking about the racism of our own country/ city and putting our skills to help the cause.
All the best
Their voices must be heard!!
OMG, these images are amazing and so touching, thank you so so much for sharing this so important cause. Have a wonderful summer day, take care, x S.Mirli
It’s shameful that still discriminate on the basis of race, caste and religion. The behavior of police in the USA and even in India towards the minorities is horrifying. This needs to change. Thanks for sharing these photos.
Happy Monday
what time we are living!
we should stay together!
Black lives matter!
I love these pics, so powerful!
Kisses, Paola.
My Instagram
You took great images the message is clear.
Your photos are incredible! Thank you for sharing them xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/