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Nume Curling Wand—A Curling Iron that gets the job done

nume I have been on fast forward for quite a while now. And for most of that time I have been curling my hair with a new curling iron from Nume. This curling iron was gifted to me at an event I attended during NYFW. And I must say, I have loved using this iron. It is sans clamp and I thought I might miss the clamp as I did use it intermittently with my old iron.

But I find I don’t miss it at all, and the curls I get from this curling iron have a better shape and seem to last longer. In fact I liked it so much I took it to Paris with me, but alas I could not use it as I did not have a converter with me—just an adapter, which if you use abroad with out a converter will fry your electrical appliance as the current there is higher then it is in the U.S. which I wrote about in this post and what to look out for when traveling abroad.

This iron isn’t cheap but it is worth the extra expenditure. In fact I had to buy a replacement curling iron when I was in Paris and it was very expensive and did not curl my hair at all. It straight up (excuse the pun) did not curl my hair. Perhaps my hair was too dirty and covered in sand (you can read about that here) but this iron just did not work. So if you are in the market for a new curling iron, check out the Nume line of irons, they do an excellent job, and they have super fun packaging as well.


  1. that is one cute packaging and I love the blue metallic colour
    ouch.. talk about frying your hair iron when you’re abroad.. I’ve done that twice already

    The Sweetest Escape

  2. Quality heated hair tools are totally worth the investment because they work better and are less damaging to the hair. Good to hear that this one has worked out for you and it looks so chic too. I don’t need a curling iron butI should see if they make flat irons.

  3. I’m planning to buy a curling iron but still don’t know what brand. I’m still reading reviews and this one seems a trusted one. Thanks for sharing!


  4. I love the color of this curling wand. I totally fried my blow dryer when I was in Italy. It was horrible, the hotel wanted kill me. Live and learn, right?

  5. This iron curl device from Nume seems to be very good, since you even took it to Paris with you! I think that when a product is that good, it is worth the money invested! So I would like to try it! Hope you have a very sweet week!

  6. I bought a Nume wand about a year ago while it was on sale for $29, I love it!


  7. Nice to know about this product, good review!


  8. This looks like an interesting product! Will have to do more research on it.

    Joyce | http://joycentricity.blogspot.com

  9. Oooh this sounds lovely, and like it could totally tackle my crazy hair! 😉

    Le Stylo Rouge

  10. i adore the colour hun, this curling iron sounds really good! 🙂

  11. I love curling irons and this sounds like a great one. I love the colour a lot. Don’t you hate when you buy something expensive and it doesn’t do the job? Bummer!


  12. I have a babyliss curling iron. This brand sounds good too. Thank you for sharing 🙂
    Sauniya | Find Your Bliss ♡

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