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NYFW SS02021 In The New Normal

[dropcap custom_class="bl"]Today starts the official kickoff of NYFW SS2021. Last season was the first season where Fashion Week took place during the pandemic and what we now know as the new normal. Last season the shows were held in September as most of you know, so the weather of course, was much warmer. The Flying Solo shows were held on a rooftop much like they were this season. I attended the shows on Saturday and baby it was COLD. It was so cold my phone would not work. The iPhone is only promised to work at 32 degrees and not below, which it did not. The phone was too cold to read the sim card, so I could not do anything except use the camera. And my G7X also gave me some problems with the battery dying after about 45 minutes due to the extreme cold. And the models? Boy were they troopers. They were literally wearing bathing suits on a rooftop where you could see snow and ice on the edges.[/dropcap]
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Makeup Trends 2019 & 2020 FW VS Social Media

[dropcap custom_class="whbr"]There will not be a live Fashion Week this season here in New York. Fashion Week will only be three days, digital only and no audiences. No live attendees. Very strange. Apparently it was the same for mens fashion week and couture and both were flops from what I understand. So, is this the new normal? Even after the pandemic? My guess is no. But at any rate today we will be looking at the makeup trends of 2019 and the changes for 2020 and the difference between FW and editorial makeup and the looks we see on social media. Hope you enjoy![/dropcap]
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NYFW Fall 2020 Street Style #7

[dropcap custom_class="whbr"]In the seventh installment of my street style photos from NYFW Fall 2020 held the first week of February. I captured some of the off duty models, attendees and Courtney, of Color Me Courtney. How happy and carefree everyone looked. Seems like another lifetime now. Summer of course is in full swing and is not like any other summer I have experienced.[/dropcap]
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NYFW Fall 2020 Street Style #5

[bigletter]The weather has warmed up and not sure what to expect this summer. I know it won’t be wholly normal. But I do know I will still be sharing my street style snaps from last Fashion Week here in New York. Some of these photos were shot outside Michael Kors and others we taken outside Spring Studios. So many inspiring fashionistas and wonderful street style.[/bigletter]
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NYFW Fall 2020 Street Style #4

[dropcap custom_class="whb"]Here is part four in my NYFW Fall 2020 street style series. Most of this was also shot outside the Michael Kors show. So much fun style and inspiration to be had. I had a chance to shoot a lot of people I admire in the fashion industry. In the last post in this series I was able to snap Tamara Kalanic a favorite influencer of mine, and in my first post and my NYFW Fall 2020 vlog I captured one of my idols Grace Coddington. In this post I snapped world famous model Binx Watson. How cool is that?[/dropcap]
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NYFW Fall 2020 Street Style #3

[dropcap custom_class="bl"]Here is part three of NYFW Fall 2020 street style. This was shot outside Michael Kors. It was a great day. Not too cold, not raining as it had been for much of this season’s shows. I met up with the other photogs I run around with, some of you may have seen them in my NYFW vlog. And the best part? I got a couple of shots of one my favorite influencers Tamara Kalinic. I watch her religiously on her You Tube channel. Here she is decked out in Michael Kors.[/dropcap]
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Redemption Pre-Fall For Lookbook Friday

[dropcap custom_class="bl"]Fashion Week is in full swing here in New York. And I am quite busy this week running to shows and shooting street style. I am getting a glimpse of what is coming for fall and the trends that we will be wearing this time next year. And it seems the statement sleeve and ruched eighties dress is not going anywhere any time soon. Reformation’s pre-fall collection does indeed have a decidedly eights vibe to it along with a can’t be missed rock-n-roll edge. Moto jackets, metallic skinny jeans and accompanying low slung belts, big shouldered mini dresses and plenty of black define this lineup with it’s youthful vigor and after dark appeal.[/dropcap]
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NYFW Fall 2020 Street Style #2

[dropcap custom_class="whb"]Here is the next installment of my NYFW Fall 2020 street style photos. I am happy to have these photos to sift through, edit and retouch. It gives me something to focus on and distract me from all that is happening. I can not lie, it is all a bit over-whelming. There are some days I wake up and feel like I am in an episode of Black Mirror. I am doing my best to take it one day at a time and I guess that is all we can do.[/dropcap]
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